Why Hire A Divorce Attorney?

Role of Attorneys During a Divorce


Admit it; separating from your partner is a tough decision to make. It doesn’t matter if the separation was amicable or terribly handled. It poses physical, financial, emotional, and legal implications that may be too much for you to handle personally.

Thus, the role of a divorce attorney cannot be downplayed. They will help through professional guidance to navigate all the complexities of divorce and dissolution laws in your state. They can also correctly assist in overcoming all the challenges and move on from a divorce, pursuing cost-effective resolutions to reduce litigation expenses.

How can an attorney help you at the point of divorce?

Disclosing Grounds for Divorce

Every state has a framework for establishing divorce. While some of the grounds for divorce may be fault-based such as domestic abuse, adultery, incarceration, others are non-fault-based.

A divorce attorney is in the best possible to reveal the grounds to which you can apply for marital dissolution. They can also determine if the divorce is fault-based – to ascertain whether spousal support will be available.

Preparing and Submitting Divorce Papers

A formal paper needs to be tendered to a court of law to kick off the divorce process. A divorce lawyer can prepare this request or provide an appropriate response to a plea for dissolution from the other party.

Collating Marital Assets

A divorce attorney can also account for all the marital assets in the event of a dissolution. This will ensure efficient property distribution. If one spouse may have handled property acquisition without the other fully aware, the attorney will ensure they’re disclosed.

Analyze Property Distribution

A divorce lawyer can analyze and explain what properties will be split during a separation. You and your partner may own properties that were brought into the union. Also, spouses may have their properties subject to a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.

A divorce lawyer may clarify some properties may be split or not. This can make a huge difference.

Drafting a Debt Repayment Plan

While you and your spouse may be responsible for joint debts, other debts are owned separately. This can pose a serious issue during a divorce. A divorce attorney can protect your rights if your spouse is legally responsible for a debt.

If the debt accrued is joint, the attorney can devise a repayment suitable to both parties.

Drafting Spousal Support

A divorce attorney is in the best position to figure out which spouse will render spousal support or the one entitled to it. When one partner sacrifices their career, so the other party achieves theirs, they are qualified to a support.

The divorce attorney will make the necessary arrangements to achieve this.

Custody Plans

A divorce lawyer helps draft a custody plan that works for both partners and best suited to the child or children who are minors.

You can reach out to us for a free consultation about the divorce proceedings and how we can represent you effectively.